The Professional Floral Design Program definitely has its moments of fun and satisfaction. The "hands on" approach and delightful scent of fresh cut flowers puts everyone in a good mood. Here are a few photos of the inner workings of Floral Design at CIFD. Our students feel a real passion working with flowers, and reap the rewards in a fun and nurturing environment.
Many of our students have gone on to rewarding, successful positions in the Floral Industry. Having a diploma to present to a potential employer is an excellent and sometimes necessary document as you plan your job strategy. If you've ever considered a career in the Floral Industry, come check us out... and follow your dream. Check out what our student alumni has to say about that.
Be sure to check out our Television Appearance page right here...
Our instructors having a bit of fun
Everyday is "hands on" at the school, with plenty of floral product to choose from...